
Friday, 24 July 2020

Room 5 Geometry - Escape from Maptown Zoo

Hey everyone!

As you know, this week was the start of term 3. Today was Friday, meaning we had Mrs Sumpter as our teacher, the person who is the GEOMETRY MASTER. Anyways, for this term, our topic was Pirates. Today we were learning about North, South, East and West. As well as southeast blah blah blah. First, we made up a way to remember the directions. For me, the order was N,E,S,W. So to remember those, we made up a mini sentence. Mine was Never Eat Stinky Walnuts. The next task was Escape from Maptown Zoo. So first there was a 3x3 grid we had to fill in with animals. We had to add in the animals by order so it makes sense. 
Here are the pictures of my tasks.

Escape from Maptown Zoo

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Quality Blog Comments - Confident

Kia Ora people!

Today for Cybersmart, we were working in duos on a topic - Quality Blog Comments. On a slide, there was a comment on a blog post. We tried to type a comment that is better quality then the comment on top. For example, there was a comment on a blog post, and it said "I liked the T-shirt that you made I liked the stuff on the T-shirt" which to me, wasn't a quality comment. So my buddy, Stan, tried to remake it. It turned out...well...not really better. he wrote: "Hi i really like your T shirt i really like the photos do you wanna improve your t shirt tho like add some words add some like a good Advice or some thing? And great  job!"(copy and pasted) I MEAN BRO GET YOUR GRAMMAR RIGHT!!!
Anyways, I did the comment for the next one. It was a pretty good comment to top, but I think I topped it.
Here is a screenshot of it.

How do you think I did?